Take Your Chiropractic Practice to the Next Level: Personalized Coaching for Success
Are you a chiropractor ready to:
See more patients and boost profitability?
Attract your ideal patients and grow your practice?
Master new techniques and refine your clinical skills?
Achieve a healthy work-life balance and become a chiropractic leader?
Our personalized chiropractic coaching programs address your specific needs, helping you achieve your goals in:
Practice Management & Growth: Streamline operations and build a high-performing team.
Clinical & Treatment Skills: Stay up-to-date on techniques, improve case management, and enhance patient communication.
Personal & Professional Development: Achieve work-life balance, develop strong leadership skills, and set clear goals for your practice.
No matter your experience level or practice size, Dr. Tim Young and the team at Focus Foundations will help you unlock your full potential.
Ready to transform your practice? Contact us today!
T: 405-514-5373

Online video program that teaches every detail of how I run my practice so you can look over my shoulder
and do the same.
$649 MONTH - no contracts
July 12 & 13, 2024
The Sheraton - Oklahoma City
Join Dr Tim Young and our Focus Team for one of our upcoming events.
Are you interested in learning more about Focus Foundations? Dr. Young will follow up with you to answer any questions you may have.
Ready to transform your practice? Contact us today!
T: 405-514-5373

"Tim is an incredible coach and an incredible mentor and I think this is a great tool that you can utilize to help grow and expand your clinic"
Michael Mason, DC